You want awesome senior photographs, photographs you will be proud to share with family and friends.  Let's just cut to the chase...Bottom lime: James will create the best photographs you've ever taken - GUARANTEED!

(more info below)

How can James make such a bold statement?  Because unlike many of today's "photographers" who have decided to become a "Pro" (your neighbor, your friends mom, one of your teachers, some dude you know who likes to take pictures, you get the idea) James has over 30 years of experience, photographic credentials, a state-of-the-art camera room and has photographed thousands of high school seniors!  We can do any pose, any lighting, anything you can imagine, we can do!!  Your senior photographs will be done YOUR WAY, with no compromise and no excuses PERIOD!

When you come to the studio for your senior shot, FIRST we will ask EXACTLY what type of pictures you want.  If it's indoor or outdoor photographs you want, we have you covered!  There will be no excuses that we can't do a certain pose or prop because we don't have a STUDIO large enough.  The lighting in our state-of-the-art camera room will be all around you, up to nine lights on some poses, ensuring you look the best you've looked in photographs.  For the girls with long hair, we even have a professional WIND MACHINE to blow your hair and give you that beautiful model look!  Your senior photographs will be the best you have ever had...GUARANTEED!